Creative ways student athletes stay fit during quarantine
May 21, 2020
With all the free time students now have in quarantine, creative home workouts and ways to keep up training at home have become accessible online.
Although school sports are over until fall, athletes must focus on staying in shape. Not being able to go to a local gym may have seemed like an obstacle at first, but there are hundreds of training influencers on YouTube who have been posting online workout programs for years.
One of the most popular trainers is Chloe Ting. Chloe Ting has hundreds of fitness videos uploaded for all to watch for free. She also has a website that shows all her programs and a calendar of which videos to do for each program, day to day.
“I started doing the two-week ab program. I love her videos because she does the exercises with you while being very motivational. The exercises aren’t too long so it’s easy to fit into your schedule,” said junior Jenna T.
Those lucky enough to have training equipment at home now have more time to utilize it. A popular indoor cycling bike called Peloton is in the homes of many and is highly recommended. Peloton allows the rider to stream live workouts and compete with other riders with a leaderboard that ranks riders based on “output” (total wattage of energy). However, the Peloton is known to be pricey, so most customers resort to the app because the membership is cheaper.
“There are different workouts you can do like running, cycling, strength, yoga and meditation. You can pick which one you want, and they have classes with different trainers, and they tell you what to do. They have playlists for each run, and they play very motivational music,” said junior Emma H.
Since gyms are closed, student athletes have had to come up with ways to stay in shape and keep their fitness in check while being secluded with less equipment.
“Training was tough at first because all the gyms were closed, but I started to become more creative to stay in shape, from doing workouts with no weights to running on the beach and around my neighborhood,” said junior Nicholas L.
Members of the Commack Football team have also made creative efforts to stay fit during the off season and to keep themselves working during quarantine. Coach DiLorenzo is persistent at staying in touch with the team and making sure that the relationship between teammates is strong.
“DiLo has been really good at sending out home workouts through the Remind app for the team to do. We also have regular zoom meetings where we go over the playbook and offensive/defensive schemes. It’s a space where the whole team is able to communicate and discuss what’s going to happen during the season,” said junior Ronald O.
Quarantine has sparked a creative new outlook on exercising. Staying fit and having a positive mindset during this pandemic may help deal with this confusing situation. Whether you are a student athlete or not, it is important to stay healthy during this time and exercising can help with that.🔳