A wide variety of exciting food options is crucial for the energy and happiness of students at Commack High School. Here are the top-recommended snacks to keep students fueled, or to give a little boost of energy throughout the day.
“Personally, I think the grilled cheese is the best lunch option the cafe offers,” said senior Kayla M.
Meals like grilled cheese are a delicious and filling option to have during a lunch period that also keeps one fueled for the rest of a day of learning.
“There are definitely more nutritious options, but the grilled cheese is just incomparable, and makes me look forward to lunch on the days I get it. Plus it comes with a great selection of sides to choose from,” said Kayla.
Six hours and nine periods of classes can be extremely draining, and sometimes, students need a pick me up to help get through the day.
“Celsius is one of my favorite things to get whenever I’m feeling tired during the day. They instantly boost my energy,” said senior Jordan B.
Energy drinks can work as a great alternative to coffee, as long as you’re not an avid drinker.
“Coffee isn’t really my thing, and as a dancer who needs a lot of energy after school, I love that the school offers these energy drinks,” said Jordan.
After a tough assessment or a particularly difficult lesson, a little sweet treat can make your day a little brighter.
“The cookies at school only cost 65 cents. It’s such a good deal and there’s so many flavors,” said senior Alexa M.
The flavors range from sprinkle, vanilla, and M&M, to double chocolate. They are the perfect treat to sweeten up your day.
“After I finish lunch, sometimes I feel like I need that little extra sweet treat and the cookies never fail to satisfy that craving,” said Alexa.
Whether one is looking for fuel, energy, or a sweet treat, the Commack High School cafeteria is here to provide for students’ snacking and nutritional desires.◼️