Representatives from HUGS, Inc. led a workshop with the members of the Peer Leadership Advisory Committee (PLAN) on February 25.
HUGS stands for Human Understanding and Growth Services and aims to reduce high-risk behaviors in all age groups across Long Island.
“Our unwritten rule is to make the space better, wherever we go, to have meaningful conversations, to build skills, to help people connect to their heart, connect to their mind, and be better leaders in whatever capacity, in whatever group they’re working with. We also do a lot around positive mental health, positive psychology, and a lot around drug and alcohol prevention,” said executive director of HUGS Kym Laube.
Even though the world around us is ever-changing, the core values of HUGS have remained constant.
“…as much as the world is constantly changing and social media is changing the world and just what we’re going through right now is unprecedented, the feeling of belonging and the feeling of knowing yourself is something that’s always going to be there and always going to be needed,” said director of education & training of HUGS Jackie Kanarvogel.
At the workshop, PLAN members engaged in a variety of activities that aimed towards improving students’ leadership skills.
“But we also just want to develop good people, we want to help nurture the mentors to be the best person they can be and be the strongest leader they can be in […] whichever way the situation calls for,” said PLAN co-adviser Megan Moy.
All freshmen meet with a group of 11th and 12th grade members of PLAN once a quarter to receive advice and talk about experiences during their first year of high school. Laube and Kanarvogel provided PLAN mentors with valuable skills and advice that they can use in future PLAN sessions.
“I feel like a lot of kids, when we’re mentoring them, they don’t really speak up because maybe they’re insecure and they just stay quiet […] and I think if we can help them overcome that they’ll open up more,” said junior & PLAN member Lily A.
Activities during the workshop helped provide lessons and strategies that PLAN members can utilize in and out of PLAN sessions.
“…everyone just struggles with […] speaking publicly, but it’s okay,” said junior & PLAN member Mayah D.
Accessing one’s vulnerability was another key lesson that PLAN members can take away for the workshop.
“Something I wanted the mentors to get out of this was being willing and being vulnerable and putting yourself out there, [as] stepping outside your comfort zone is one of the main ways you are going to improve in life,” said Moy.
The values HUGS presented resonated with PLAN members who continue to take part in leadership events.
“One of our very specific programs that we have is called the Long Island Teen Institute and that’s a weekend long conference where teenagers from all across Long Island come together and we have those hard conversations…,” said Kanarvogel.
The insight provided by Kanarvogel and Laube will assist PLAN members in making their future sessions with the freshmen engaging and proactive.
For more information regarding the HUGS organization, visit◼️