Winter Wonderland is a new community event planned for February 28 after school in the cafeteria and north gym.
The event itself had been brought by the Office of Student Life, and to further the idea, it went through a committee that was created by Student Life called the President’s Council. One of the President Council’s objectives is to bring events into the district or high school to create a closer-knit community.
“[…] this year Casey Schwartz, our Student Life President, was looking for another activity to bring to the community, he wanted to make it wider than just Commack High School,” said Assistant Principal Eric Biagi.
The basic idea was to take the concepts of the ‘Halloween Happening’ fall event and turn it into a version that is suitable for the winter. The date was selected for a time where students aren’t normally doing much and for the little kids to be able to have fun.
“A lot of people love the Halloween Happening especially the little kids […] so we all suggested that instead of having just Halloween Happening in the fall we do something similar to tailor to the season […] and yeah it’s a very kind of dead season for a whole bunch of honor societies so it’s going to be a great point opportunity,” said senior Alexandra M.
The frame of the event will have many similarities to that of Halloween Happening, which may include similar carnival-like activities. There will also be a suggested donation. The event itself will be advertised to the other schools in the district through their PTA’s as well as through the district backpack. In addition, there will be a winter immersive experience, said to take place in the hallway between the cafeteria and the North gym.
“We’re going to have a bunch of food, there’s going to be a bunch of games. I know for Tri-M they said they were having music performances […] [it’s going to be] very accessible area so the kids are able to navigate […] and then I know there’s karaoke going on and there’s people […] going to make hot chocolate it’s basically just like a lot of crafts,” said Alexandra
Since the event is still a work in progress, nothing is definite, but the faculty and students that were involved in making the event are looking forward to the district’s feedback. As well since it is the first time the event is being done, students from the younger schools can be able to explore more of the High School and can get a good feel of the possibility of what to look forward to.
“So for me anytime that we can, as a high school, really be role models, and to show the little kids in our community how special Commack High School is, it’s really important because eventually these little kids are going to come to high school here and we want to show them that it is a great place to go and be eventually excited to come here, and how many great kids go here; and there’s so many great opportunities for them so I love that they get exposed to it as early as kindergarten and they come here for Halloween Happening and this is just another event for them to come and get interact with high school kids,” said Principal Carrie Lipenholtz.◼️