Toby Elmore, head dean, is an efficient leader who provides a positive environment by implementing school policies, as well as handling disciplinary actions.
Elmore taught adaptive physical education which he then transferred into administration. Elmore explained how his past leadership experience translated to where he is now.
“I learned a lot about teaching, patience, and students’ needs,” said Elmore.
Elmore has many qualifications as well as experience which allows him to thrive in a head position and deal with different types of children and their needs. Elmore states that he had acquired mass amounts of experience during his training which allowed him to view situations in many perspectives.
“Understanding the lens that teachers teach through and how they function as well as understanding different students’ requirements, you don’t become an administrator and forget about the teaching aspects,” said Elmore.
Promoting a positive attitude can contribute to students and teachers feeling valued which can overall lead to improvement throughout the school.
Elmore explains that his day to day routine is not typical, therefore changes occur frequently.
“I arrive at school at 6:15, prior to the students’ arrival. I try to get work done for the day such as AM detentions or in-school suspension. During the day, as issues arise it’s on hand management in regards to referrals or access paperwork,” said Elmore.
Administration roles can impact many students in relation to building meaningful connections which can make one feel comfortable during the school day.
“Support from Mr. Elmore can reduce stress from the workload, which also gives students additional motivation which makes me want to work harder when under pressure,” said junior Ava S.
Prioritizing the well being of students can allow a school to flourish in performance within a person’s character, as well as their academics.
Elmore describes how he attempts to create this well rounded foundation of communication throughout the school.
“I like to be visible throughout the building, connecting with the students and staff which means a lot of stops in the cafeteria and student center. Connecting with students outside the dean’s office is important because they normally see me as the mean guy. Towards the end of the day I am usually here till 5:30 or 6:00,” said Elmore.
Safety of students is a priority which Elmore ensures he takes the proper precautions which can enhance the well being for all attending school.
“I am in charge of the building safety committee where I meet with teacher, faculty and staff members in which we go over any issues regarding safety and security, as well as changes we need to make. I also work hand and hand with the security team because safety for all is one of my biggest roles,” said Elmore.
Being a dean comes with many responsibilities, but with a constructed plan and valued experience, Toby Elmore guarantees to create a positive environment for all.