Cell phones: distraction or asset?

Jack H., Staff Writer

Phone usage is a major part of students’ lives, and can either be a distraction or an added asset in the classroom.

“Phones […] have value [in school], as they can be utilized to look things up, and in certain cases, ease people’s minds in case they’re worried about a friend or family member,” said health teacher John Foley. 

For some students, a phone can act as a comfort device to stay in contact with people who are important to them. It also can be used as a tool to assist students with school work.

“[Phones may] serve as an educational distraction or nuisance because kids are so wrapped up in the fear of missing out,” said Foley.

“FOMO,” or fear of missing out, is a huge problem in our generation. Constant notifications and updates may lead students to become so used to picking up and checking their phone, that they don’t even realize how attached they are.

“I procrastinate for way too long because I have my phone at my side. When notifications pop up, I usually just go into the app instead of doing my work or studying,” said sophomore Michael F. 

Many teenagers find themselves in a “rabbit hole,” where once they start using social media apps or games, they can’t stop. Some students even classify their phone usage as an addiction.

“I think there was one week where I averaged [about] 14 hours of screen time per day,” said Michael F.

Some students use phones to communicate with each other when completing school work. A phone allows one to contact classmates and even teachers when necessary, assuring always staying in the loop. It is important to be mindful of how screen time affects school work. 🔳